5th Indo-German Workshop „Advances in Materials, Reactions and Separation Processes”
To strengthen collaborative research activities between Indian and German colleagues and to introduce doctoral students to current research activities in 2008 a series of Indo-German workshops on “Advances in Materials, Reaction and Separation Processes” started at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Madras followed by consecutive events in Bad Herrenalb (2012), at the IIT Guwahati (2016) and Berlin (2020). The meetings supported exchanges of students, visits by scientists from one country to the other and working in cooperation projects. The success of the collaboration can be gauged from numerous publications in internationally reputed journals which have been co-authored by scientists from both countries.
Participants of the 5th Indo-German Workshops “Advances in Materials, Reactions and Separation Processes” (Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur, West-Bengalen, 19.-21.2.2024), Photo: IITK, Sourvan Mondal
The 5th Indo-German Workshop was organized by Prof. Rabibrata Mukherjee from February 19 to 21, 2024 at the IIT in Kharagpur. It was attended by more than 60 scientist, among them 15 from Germany.
The participants from Magdeburg, Photo: Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern
Topics covered in particular were for example processes to purify biomolecules and enantiomers, novel concepts in reaction engineering, process systems engineering and control and innovations in material science. The German participants, including 6 scientists form Magdeburg, were impressed by the tremendous progress made by their Indian colleagues in the last years. The excellently organized meeting was supported by many highly motivated students. The workshop took place in a very enjoyable and relaxing atmosphere. The informal character supported a quick and intensive contact between the young generations of Indian and German scientists and provided insight into the specific research structures and activities of the two countries.
The German participants thank the Indian host, Photo: IITK, Sourvan Mondal
The preparation of a 6th workshop in Germany is already underway.
The article was written by Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern.