Verleihung der Bezeichnung „außerplanmäßiger Professor“ an PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Reza Kharaghani (FVST)

09.12.2024 -  

PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Reza Kharaghani (born 1980) earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemical engineering, gaining entrepreneurial experience in Tehran. In 2006, he came to Germany to pursue his career at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU) in the field of drying. After completing his PhD in 2010, Dr. Kharaghani continued as a post-doc, and then became leader of the Drying and Pore Networks research team in 2013. In 2020, he obtained his habilitation with the “Venia legendi" in Process Engineering of Porous Materials. In 2023, he was an invited visiting professor for a semester at Lodz University of Technology.

Urkunde - Kharaghani - 2024

During his tenure in Magdeburg, Dr. Kharaghani continuously widened his scientific repertoire, exploring fundamental and applied aspects of mass transfer, heat transfer, reactions, and related phenomena in porous materials, particularly in processes such as drying, wetting and thermochemical conversion. Up to now, Dr. Kharaghani has been advising more than ten PhD and postdoc researchers, as well as numerous master students and several industrial internships.

Since 2012, Dr. Kharaghani has been actively involved in teaching at the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering at OVGU. He has taught a wide range of topics, including Drying Technology and Bioseparation courses. Since 2014, he and Prof. Tsotsas, together with other colleagues, have been offering a professional course "Drying - Fundamentals and Applications" for participants from various industries, including fine chemicals, food, feed, and pharmaceutical technologies.

Today, Dr. Kharaghani is recognized in the international scientific community, cooperating with colleagues across borders, giving invited seminars and keynote lectures, contributing as a reviewer for funding organizations, conferences and numerous journals, and acting as an Associate Editor of Drying Technology: An International Journal. Dr. Kharaghani is a guest member of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering Working Party on Drying, invited member of the German Working Party on Drying, steering committee member of the German Chapter of International Society for Porous Media and founding fellow of the International Research Association for Drying Science and Technology (Macao). His scientific output is of a high level – with around 80 journal articles and almost 130 conference contributions.


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