Florian Brömel
1. Why did you decide to study in Magdeburg?
For a technically versed secondary school graduate, the Otto von Guericke University seemed very attractive for prospective engineers. According to acquaintances, it enjoyed an excellent reputation as a technical institution with a large practical component. I had made my decision once I had found the interesting degree program in Environment and Energy Process Engineering. Finally, the city also captured my attention with its student-friendly setup. Countless opportunities for sports and social activities with other students finally strengthened my wish to spend my life as a student in Magdeburg.
2. What do your study program and the city have to offer?
My studies opened up a detailed understanding for numerous processes, not only in technical, but also in the area of natural sciences. This knowledge was gained and then applied under realistic conditions in various modules in technical and chemical areas, as well as practical lab projects at the university. Countless tutorials and professionally competent instructors assured that I could appropriate the contents of the program in a definite and timely manner. The smaller selection of courses and already familiar instructors allow for a very personal relationship, especially in the master’s program, which makes the study program more enjoyable. The city always offers opportunities for new impressions and experiences. I have always found its size very pleasant - just small enough to not be overrun with tourism like many big cities, and big enough so there’s always something going on. Personally, due to the many activities on campus as well as in the city, I as a student am motivated to become active and broaden my horizon.
3. Can you use the knowledge acquired in your studies in your everyday/private life?
There are many students represented in my circle of friends who have also chosen a technical field. The knowledge acquired in our studies can always be exchanged and applied. In everyday life, specifically, many situations arise in which I can do away with uncertainties due to my scientific knowledge. Additionally, I can generally answer my own questions about processes in nature and technology by relating back to this knowledge.
4. Does studying help you focus your goals for the future and has your vision for the future changed during your studies?
While studying, I was able to receive deeper insights into the modules and become acquainted with my own areas of interest. This helped me define and envision my wishes for my future career. I was able to influence my study program in this direction with the corresponding ambition and design it myself in a goal oriented manner by means of additional actions such as the selection of my bachelor thesis topic, an internship abroad, and jobs in industry. The decision making process to get there was a fluid transition. At the beginning I didn’t give too much thought to my future career field. A change pertaining to future expectations is obviously involved. In addition, the economic and political situation in Germany is constantly changing and has influenced me.
5. What advice do you have for prospective students or pupils who are informing themselves on studying at the OVGU?
First and foremost, there is an open house day at the OvGU, at which the faculties introduce themselves with various vivid and practical games. The idea to do something similar later in life is quickly planted in your mind. This is important to succeeding at a degree in an area, for which the modules do not necessarily need to be interesting. Receive information on the individual topics through the module handbook for the respective degree program. This contains the contents and you will be able to tell if the contents of the degree program speaks to you. In the end, you will only truly know if you made the right decision when you are already studying. Aside from the aspect of contents, you also have to get along with your instructors and your classmates. If another degree program speaks to your more, then switching is the only reasonable thing to do. This is about your future. Of course, everyone finds autonomous robots and vehicles exciting when they are presented. But the path to get there needs to fit your own interests.
6. What career would you like to pursue after graduation?
I can’t definitively answer this question. Fact of the matter is, that I want to start my professional life soon after graduation. After various activities, I know that I feel more at home in an industrial setting than in a lab. The economic situation will also influence which direction I will ultimately pursue.
7. Why should one chose the Uni Magdeburg/FVST?
In my opinion, an entire module succeeds or falls with how it is organized and above all the instructor. For my course of study, I can say that the vast majority of subjects are very well constructed and organized. The exercises are especially well adapted to the lecture material, which allows for a solid exam preparation. In addition, external companies such as E.On, Getec, the Society for the Advancement of Medical, Bio and Environmental Technologies (GMBU in Halle), and many more enrich student life, so that professional practical experiences are integrated into the curriculum. A variety of physical fitness courses are offered here as well. Inside and outside the gymnastics hall are competent and friendly trainers, who are often students themselves. Thus, there is also a closer frame of reference and becoming acquainted within the course is facilitated. A central campus with great accessibility complete the profile of the university. In the end, I am convinced that I have made a good decision by my pursuing my degree at the Otto von Guericke University and therefore being able to make my own path in life.