

    28.11.2024 -

    Die erste erfolgreiche Schülerin, Frau Lydia Kühnlenz, darf sich ab dem Wintersemester 24/25 über ihr INGa-Stipendium freuen!

    Agreement with Jiliang University

    07.01.2025 -

    An agreement of cooperation, including the exchange of students, has been signed between the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering and the College of Energy Environment and Safety Engineering of the China Jiliang University.

    Verleihung der Bezeichnung „außerplanmäßiger Professor“ an PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Reza Kharaghani (FVST)

    09.12.2024 -

    Der Rektor der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Prof. Dr. Jens Strackeljan, überreichte am 04.12.2024 die Urkunde zur Führung der Bezeichnung „außerplanmäßiger Professor“ an Herrn PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Reza Kharaghani.

    Die Fakultät gratuliert ganz herzlich!

    Girls' and Boy's Day - Future Day: Soap Making

    26.04.2024 -

    On Girls' and Boys' Day - Future Day, natural soaps were produced using the cold process and caustic soda (NaOH).


    5th Indo-German Workshop „Advances in Materials, Reactions and Separation Processes”

    22.04.2024 -

    Topics covered in particular were for example processes to purify biomolecules and enantiomers, novel concepts in reaction engineering, process systems engineering and control and innovations in material science.


    Honorary Doctor from Sofia (UCTM) for Prof. Tsotsas

    13.06.2023 -

    on 6 April 2023, the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy presented on 22 May 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria, to Prof. Evangelos Tsotsas a Doctor Honoris Causa.


    Prof. Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern distinguished

    05.12.2022 -

    Prof. Seidel-Morgenstern distinguished at the Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers in Phoenix/Arizona (USA)


    Welcome to the Young Professionals Conference on Process Engineering (YCOPE 2019)

    24.10.2018 -

    We are delighted to invite you to the 1st. International Young Professionals Conference on Process Engineering (YCOPE 2019)!

    For three days, bright young minds are going to discuss future aspects of Process Engineering and contribute to the ongoing debate on how to find cutting-edge solutions to the process industry.

    more ...

    Semester start SoSe 2020 from 20.04.2020 (courses and examinations).

    20.03.2020 -

    Corona virus: Start of the summer semester in Saxony-Anhalt is postponed to April 20

    COVID-19: Informationen für alle FVST´Studierenden vom Dekan der FVST, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominique Thévenin

    Further information:



    Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Foreigners' Office will be closed from March 18, 2020 until further notice.

    However, your applications will still be processed. Please note the following information:

    Please send applications for the extension of your residence permit by post or by e-mail to or drop them in the mailbox at the entrance of the Foreigners Office.
    The continuation of your residence permit will then be sent to you by post.
    Extensions of tolerations/permits will be issued in your accommodation or also sent by post.
    Declarations of commitment, passport transfers are currently not applicable
    Advice is provided exclusively by telephone or email contact. In urgent, unavoidable cases, please contact or by telephone to your responsible officer.

    The handing out of already ordered eATs and travel documents will continue to take place at the Foreigners' Registration Office. Please come to your appointment.
    These measures are for your and our health. We thank you for your understanding.

    Foreigners whose residence permits will expire in the coming weeks can apply for an extension in writing by mail or by e-mail to the Foreigners' Office. The written applications will then be recorded and processed accordingly here. If necessary (expiry of the AE in a few days or weeks), certificates of continued validity will be issued and sent to the applicant. However, a new eAT can only be issued after a personal meeting for the submission of the biometric data and the identity check has taken place. All applicants will be sent dates for this in due course.
    Foreigners whose AE is valid until 30 April or less will be contacted by the ABH in the next few days if no application has yet been made and will also receive a certificate of continued validity.
    With a certificate of continued validity, the previous AE is still valid.

    All other tasks such as on-site consultations, declarations of commitment, passport transfers, etc. cannot be performed at this time.
    The Foreigners' Office can be contacted at any time by e-mail or via the telephone numbers you know. We try to answer all inquiries promptly.


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    From clay to roof tiles at 1100 °C

    11.02.2020 -

    From clay to roof tiles at 1100 °C

    On 9th of January 2020, 40 students of Chemical and Energy Engineering were guests at the Dachziegelwerke Nelskamp GmbH in Groß Ammensleben just outside Magdeburg. Approximately 60 million roof tiles are produced in a wide variety of formats and colors at this plant every year. The delivery area extends from Leipzig to Scandinavia. The students got an interesting insight into the entire production chain that contains homogenization of clay, shaping, surface treatment, drying, firing and finally packaging of the finished products. As prospective process engineers, the students were particularly impressed by the high degree of automation in the plant. Manpower is needed mainly for quality control, maintenance and repair.




    Ansprechpartner: M.Sc. Tino Redemann


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    Schulbesuche 2025

    03.02.2025 -

    Zu Besuch beim Professor-Friedrich-Förster-Gymnasium Haldensleben und Dr.-Frank-Gymnasium Staßfurt.

    Last Modification: 08.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster